To access specific emergency remedies and stay informed about upcoming workshops, please provide your email address in the form below.

The following advices are for emergency use only. Self Help is not recommended in chronic illness and pain. DO NOT use the remedies on a long term basis in any acute or chronic condition without consulting a professional homeopath first.


One dose is 3 to 4 granules or 3 or 4 drops in liquid form.

Dosage and repetition

Frequency of dosage depends on the severity of the attack. In severe blows and injuries, it is necessary to repeat the dose every 10-15 minutes a few times, then every half hour a few more times, if symptoms remain. Gradually, as symptoms subsides, as the improvement is maintained, stop taking the remedy and repeat once only when needed.

Taking a higher potency, a stronger dose

When the 30CH helps but the improvement is not maintained you may take a higher potency of 200K. In case of severe blows, fractures, if the symptoms continue despite the repetition of the remedy although less severe, take the 200 K once. Consult your homeopath who might prescribe a 10 thousand K potency.

Take remedies at leat 15 minutes away from meal, avoid touching the granules and allow them to melt on or under the tongue. Avoid camphor, eucalyptus, mint and coffee during treatment. Keep remedies away from strong heat.

Dilute the same amount of granules in a small quantity of pure water by shaking, and give 5 drops with a spoon.


“Homeopathy, the immense power of the infinetely small”
Samuel Hahneman

Here are the most common remedies for soothing and curing injuries and other ailments. They do not replace any emergency medical intervention. Do not hesitate to call 911 or rush to the hospital when necessary. But take your homeopathic kit with you! If the following remedies fail to help, ask your homeopath to help you a less common and more specific remedy for you.


Removes pain quickly, prevents vesicules. Burns from water, fire, solids, sun.

Urtica Urens

Itching pain after sun/burn.


When other remedies are ineffective.

Arsenicum Album

Diarrhea after major burns, dark discoloration of wound.

Kali-Bichromicron, Calendula

Deep ulcerating wound.

Causticum, Carbiolic Acid, Picric Acid

Burn by chemicals.


Burn by cold. Chillblains with burning pain. Then consult a homeopath.

Le choc anaphylactique est grave et peut être mortel si non traité. L’épipène est essentiel et doit être considéré comme tout premier recours. Toutefois, les remèdes homéopathiques suivants peuvent dépanner en l’absence d’épipène. D’abord appeler les secours puis administrer le remède adéquat. Pour soigner les allergies chroniques, consulter l’homéopathe.

anaphylactic shock signs

Sensation de suffocation dû à l’œdème de la trachée. Œdème parfois généralisé du corps. Prurit (picotements) de la gorge et parfois du corps. Parfois urticaire géant. Malaise. Peuvent suivre les nausées et vomissements.

Apis Mellifica 200K

Allergies alimentaires, aux insectes. Œdème généralisé ou localisé. Rougeur, inflammation, chaleur brûlante.

Carbolicum Acidum 200K

Allergie alimentaire ou aux insectes. Urticaire généralisé, prurit.

Urtica Urens

Il est spécifiquement recommandé dans les allergies aux fruits de mer, avec un urticaire brûlant et piquant. L’œdème est blanc au centre entouré de rougeur.

Rescue Remedy (fleurs de Bach)

Soothe the mind in any physical and emotional trauma.

Aconit Napellus

Emotional trauma, with fear of death. Agitation, trembling. Panic. Accelerated heart beat.


Paralysing fright, terror. Speechless, dizzy, abashed. Many flash backs and dreams of the event, even years later.


Ailments from fright. Speechless, trembling. Anticipates the repetition of the event. Exhaustion since emotional trauma.


Fear with uncontrolable weeping, screaming, laughters.

In order to heal deep emotional state, it will be necessary to consult your homeopath.

Vous trouverez ici les principaux remèdes qui demeurent facile à distinguer pour les non-homéopathes.

Donnez à bébé le remède qui décrit le mieux son état. Pour les bébés de moins de 5 mois, diluer les granules dans un peu d’eau en secouant vigoureusement pendant 30 secondes, puis donner quelques gouttes à bébé. Répéter au besoin.

Dans le doute, consulter l’homéopathe. Ne pas répéter le remède si inefficace après 2 doses dans une même journée. Consultez l’homéopathe afin de trouver le remède qui convient le mieux à votre enfant.
Amélioration = Ce qui soulage Bébé
Aggravation = Ce qui aggrave l’état de Bébé

Colocynthis 15 CH

Bébé est agité, crispé, il se tortille, se recroqueville, replie les genoux sur la poitrine. Si on tente de le tenir par les bras, il pleure et replie les jambes. Ventre ballonné et dur.

Amélioration : Plié en deux. Pressions légères et fermes sur le ventre. Chaleur. Sommeil. Émission de gaz. Allongé sur le ventre.

Aggravation : des symptômes de Bébé vers 16 h. Après le boire.

Fleur de chamomille

Chamomilla 15 CH

Bébé hurle à en réveiller le voisinage. Capricieux. Veut et ne veut plus ce qu’ilrequiert. Irritable. Corps chaud, très souvent une joue rouge, l’autre pâle. Dort mal et peu malgré la fatigue. Autres signes possibles: Diarrhée verte, aqueuse. Éructation et diarrhée à odeur d’œufs pourris.

Amélioration : Étant porté et promené vigoureusement. En voiture. Plié en deux.

Aggravation : La nuit. À la chaleur.

Cuprum 15 C

Douleurs intermittentes. Crampes soudaines. Poings serrés. Hoquet. Flatulences.

Ventre dur, chaud et sensible au toucher. Possibilité de sueurs froides, froideur du corps. Diarrhées.

Aggravation : Au toucher.La chaleur.

Magnesia Phosphorica 15 CH

Crise soudaine. Gestes vifs et pleurs. Estomac ballonné. Flatulences. Les rots ne soulagent pas la douleur. Selles vertes en jet.

Amélioration : lorsque plié en deux, pression (porté contre l’épaule), frottement, chaleur. Compresse chaude.

Aggravation : au froid (dès que déshabillé) air froid, eau froide. Allongé côté droit et dos. La nuit.

Nux-Vomica (Colubrina)

Bébé irritable, en colère, hypersensible au bruit. Bébé s’étire, se cambre vers l’arrière. Parfois constipé.

Amélioration : Au repos, assis ou allongé.

Aggravation : Tout de suite après le boire. 4 h

Bryonia alba,
bryone, vigne blanche.

Bryonia 15 CH

Cris de douleurs au moindre mouvement. Selles sèches. Bouche sèche. Soif.

Amélioration : immobilité, repos, air frais, compresses froides.

Aggravation : Moindre mouvement, étant porté vigoureusement, bruit et lumière vive. Pression sur abdomen. Le matin au réveil. Vers 21h et 3 h du matin.

Bismuth 15 CH

Vomissements abondants. Éructations fétides et violentes. Selles fétides. Soif mais vomit aussitôt.

Amélioration : Penché vers l’arrière

There are many remedies for common colds, and many times, the constitutional remedy is required, when the cold is related to emotional stress. In such a case, the professional homeopath can help you. However, the following advice may help, if the cold is related to specific factors, such as weather or epidemics.

Aconitum Napellus

Sudden onset of fever and pain after being exposed to a cold wind.

Eupatorium Perfolatum

Cold, fever, pain all over the body, in bones, chills and nausea. Can’t move.


Dull Sluggish, with heavy-looking eyes and dull headache at nape of neck. Chills up and down the spine. Sneezing. Summer colds. Worse in damp weather. Sensations of pain in teeth, of fullness at root of nose, burning discharge from nose.

Disinfect the wound with Calendula in mother tincture (15 drops) diluted in 50 ml of water or with homeopathic remedy of calendula in 30 Ch. Apply on clean skin 5-6 times a day, only when wound is clean for the healing is very fast.

Calendula flower


Soothes the pain, accelerates healing.


For incised cuts of skin (and tissues beneath the skin), with sharp instruments or in surgery. Accelerates healing and scaring, and prevents infection..


If fever with infected wound, despite other remedies.

Chamomilla 30 CH

Bébé très maussade, capricieux. Demande quelque chose en pleurant, puis le rejette. Bébé préfère le mouvement. Il veut constamment être porté, et plutôt rapidement. Il veut qu’on se lève et qu’on marche, il veut rouler en voiture, en poussette. Dort peu et mal malgré la fatigue.

Signes Physiques : Chaleur. Selles vertes, odeur d’œufs pourris. Une joue rouge et chaude, l’autre pâle et froide.

Aggravation : La nuit.

Podophyllum 30CH

Bébé veut mordre tout ce qui lui passe sous le nez. Il presse les gencives. A parfois des diarrhées abondantes.

Plante, fleur et fruit de belladonna.

Belladonna 30 CH

Bébé a envie de mordre tout ce qui lui passe sous le nez pendant la dentition.
Bébé bave beaucoup. Il a les joues rouges, les deux joues rouges, contrairement au bébé qui a besoin de chamomilla, et qui a plutôt une seule joue rouge.
Bébé peut aussi faire une forte fièvre, avec la tête chaude, mais les jambes ou les pieds froids.
Il peut aussi avoir des maux de tête pendant la fièvre et tourne la tête à gauche et à droite pendant la fièvre.

Au Moyen-âge, les italiennes se mettaient des gouttes dans les yeux pour dilater leurs pupilles. D’où son don de Belle-Dame.

Calcarea Carbonica 30CH

Dentition lente. Transpiration très abondante de la tête. Lenteur dans la mobilité. Œdème fessier pendant la dentition. Croûtes de lait. Diarrhée et/ou toux pendant la dentition.

L’utilisation de ce remède est plus difficile à distinguer pour les non-homéopathes. Il vaut mieux consulter l’homéopathe afin de distinguer les dilutions et répétition des doses.


Helps recuperate from fatigue and loss of energy in dehydration.

Olive oil

Applied on skin all over body.

Convenient travel
Arsenicum Album (Metallum Album)

First remedy in gasto-enteritis, food or water poisoning. Symptoms: Often worse at night, of first symptoms at night. Anxiety, mental restlessness and prostation. Burning, excruciating pain in stomach, and anus after and during diarrhea. Thirst for warm drinks.

Prevention traveling

Where access to clean water is limited, take 3 granules of Arsenicum 7 CH, 6 days a week. Then 30 CH and 200K if there is diarrhea.

Consult if the remedy heal superficially or if tiredness persists.


Urgent early morning painless diarrhea, or diarrhea preceded by severe colic; very profuse, spluttery, pea soup-like stools, passed in gushes and very offensive. Cramps in thigh and calf muscles from diarrhea.

Worse after eating or drinking; passage of stool is followed by an empty, sinkingfeeling at pit of stomach. Worse around 4 AM. Better from hot application and warmth of bed.


Debilitating, painless diarrhea with offensive stools; may result from a summer chill or fruit. China a an excellent remedy to give after any other remedy in case or dehydration from a loss of liquid (vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding).


A third remedy in case of diarrhea as a result of water contamination. Flatulence, sharp anal pain.


Nausea is the main symptom if this remedy. Dark rings around eyes. Colic and diarrhea, which is as green as grass and frothy, specially in children. Guts feel as though gripped by a claw.

Veratrum album flower

Veratrum album

Icy cold sweat with Diarrhea and vomiting. Chills and desire for icy cold, or acid drinks, ice cubes. Great debility from vomiting. Fainting.

Vomiting in gush.

Vomiting worse: after drinking and motion. Colic releived by diarrhea. Also in food poisoning. Sensation gut twisted in knot,and as if stomach empty, with desire for juicy fruit and refreshing food.


Diarrhea and vomiting with much persisiting cramping pain.

Pour usage ponctuel seulement. En cas de troubles digestifs chroniques la consultation est nécessaire pour identifier le remède adéquat.

Trop mangé ou trop bu ? Voici quelques précieux remèdes homéopathiques qui soignent certains troubles gastriques dus aux excès de table ou aux intoxications alimentaires.

Nux-Vomica 30 CH (aussi nommé Colubrina)

À la suite de repas trop riche, gras, épicé ou copieux. Suite d’excès d’alcool, c’est le premier remède à considérer.

Une dose de 2 granules à la fois, et répéter après 1/2 h au besoin pour soulager les maux de tête, nausées, malaises causés par un excès d’alcool.

Indigestion. Brûlure d’estomac, nausée, lourdeur d’estomac, maux de tête.
Souhaiterait vomir mais n’y parvient pas.

Amélioration : par la chaleur, le sommeil, les pressions fermes sur l’estomac.

Pulsatilla 30 CH

Ce remède est indiqué dans le cas d’une indigestion à la suite d’aliments riches ou gras.

Amélioration : par l’air frais, les boissons froides.

Aggravation : par les pièces chaudes. Besoin de garder la tête dehors au grand air, de dormir la fenêtre ouverte, besoin de fraîcheur pendant le malaise digestif.

Kali-Bichromicum 30 CH

Troubles gastriques suite d’abus de bière. 2 granules au besoin si Nux-Vomica ne soulage pas rapidement. Douleur en point à l’estomac. Nausées accompagnées de sensation de chaleur.


First remedy. Prevents pain and swelling in sprains. Repeat often, 4-5X every 1/2 hour, and increase doses gradually. Start with 30, 5 X, then 200 and 10MK if needed, once a day for 2 days.


Treats the muscles and tendons. Give after Arnica.


Dislocation with tingling sensation.

Rhus-toxicodendron, Ignatia et Causticum

For dislocated jaw.


After Arnica. Joint injuries. With stiffnes.

Pain is better: while moving, stretching, cracking of the injured part. Better with hot bath and application.
Pain is worse: in damp weather, when first standing and moving but better after a few efforts, but worse again when overusing the muscle. Worse when not moving (at night, sitting a long time).

Excellent remedy for the muscles, joints, tendons sheaths and ligaments.

Ruta Graveolens

This remedy acts on the covering of bone, inflammation, strains of ligaments and cartilages. Overstrain around the joints, especially wrist and ankles. Excellent remedy for remaining pain of old, long time sprains.

Tendons Injury. Weakening of the injured part.

Bellis Perenis

If the pain of torn ligaments persists.

Dose of 10,000 K to repeat 1 or 2 times a day, as needed, after the 30 Ch and 200 K.

Pour douleurs chroniques, consulter l’homéopathe.


Never apply or drink cold water when over heated.
In very hot weather, drink plenty of water at room temperature.

Belladonna, Natrum Muriaticum, Sol

Throbbing pain. Choking sensation after being over exposed to the sun. Sleepiness, unconsciousness. Whistle in ears. Constriction in chest. Redness and heat sensation in face, head. Dry and Burning skin. Dilated pupils. Minor or serious heat stroke.


Headache. Palor of face, fixed eyes, pale tongue, breathingdifficult. Vomiting and tight sensation in stomach pit. Perspiration and high temperature.


Trembling and great weakness.


Desire for fresh air, and cold water in the face. Weakness, palor. Vomiting. Faint and sinking feeling. Head feels gripped by tight hand.


Nausea on car motion, on a boat. Worse by thought of food. Copious salivation. Giddiness and unsteady gait. Utter prostration andall gone hollow feeling. Must lie down. (Jet lag)

Nux Vomica

Horrible quesy nausea, asociated with splitting headache, often at back of head or over open eye. Loathing for food. Bloated feeling. Much gagging, retching and ineffectual vomiting.


First remedy in case of bites, by spider, snake, dog, wild animals, and by any other pointed objects. Prevents tetanus.


Bluish wound, sensative to touch, with lancinating and violent pain, extending to the limb, along the nerve. Always give after Ledum, to prevent tetanus.

Lachesis, Cedron, Hypericum

Snake bites.


Agitated fright after bites.


Persisting terror in dreams, with flashback.

Urtica Urens 30

For urticaria (raised rash)as a result of allergic reaction to insect bites, jelly fish and other stings. Pain is pricking, burning and feels better from rubbing.

Cedron 200K

Powerful antidote in snake poison and scorpio.

Lyssinum 30

For dog and other animal bites. Specially in case of bite of rabid animal.

Acute treatment. For chronic allergies, consult a homeopath.

Ledum palustre flower


First remedy to prevent any complication, any illness from mosquitoe bites. White or bluish wound.

Apis Mellifica

Bee, wasp and other insect bites. Wound is red, swollen, warm. Excellent remedy when many mosquitoe bites provok fever.

Better with: cold application.

Also for any allergic reaction, swelling of throat, from insect bites, or even any kind of allergies with swelling of throat. If out of epipen, this remedy may be of great help. Repeat the remedy every minute. It should be effective in seconds.

Urtica Urens

Itching, burning, pricking, red and stinging, also allergic reaction as from urticaria.

Carbolic acid

In acute bee allergies, if Apis does not help right away.

Pour traitement chronique, consulter l’homéopathe.


Intense burning and itching, as from needles.

Worse at: night and from heat.


Affected part is burning and blue in colour.

Apply locally the Apis Gel on insect bites, mosquitoes.

Staphysagria delphinium flower

Staphysagria 15 CH and Staphysagria 200K

Fill a 500ml bottle of clear water up to 3/4. Put 5 granules of Staphysagria 9 CH in the bottle and shake vigourously fo ra minute. Rinse root of hair with the water. Repeat once a day for 3-4 days.

Staphysagria 200K, take on dose, just once, in mouth, on first day of treatment. Repeat treatment when needed.


Bright red, from nose, from injury, dental surgery. In fits and starts.

Aggravation : Saignement persiste après une extraction dentaire, après s’être mouché.


From injury. Arnica absorbs blood, and prevents hemorrhage.


From wound. Aboundant bleeding. Difficult scarring.

Sulfuric Acid

Underneath the skin, after injury.


Persisting profuse bleeding.


Dark bleeding after labor.

Erigon Canadense

Abundant arterial bleeding. Postpartum. Does not coagulate. Blood red and clear.


Fatigue, anemia after important loss of blood and fluids. (vomiting, diarrhea, breastfeeding, bleeding…)


Accelerates the healing of tissues.


Pain from pulled and torn tissue. After labour.


Fatigue , headache and dizziness from anesthesia.


Constipation from anesthesia.

Calendula, Staphysagria, Graphites

To accelerate scarring of tissue.

Nail, splinter, needle,
sea urchin,
seringe ( injection and shots, dentist),
Prevent tetanus…


First remedy. Repeat 4 doses, every 10 minutes and as needed.


Second remedy to prevent tetanus. One dose 12 hours after Ledum, Repeat every 1/2 hour, many times, if pain persists or goes lancinating up a limb.


Tearing tissue by punction.

Silicea et Myristica

Specific to extract persisting splinter, and other foreign pointed objects.

Fleur de calendula

Fist, umbrella, scratched cornea from paper… You may take a differenct remedy if needed, 30 minutes after the first one.


First remedy.

Calendula et Arnica

Result of trauma.

Calendula et Aconit

Foreign object in eye. Scratched cornea.


To releive the pain and bruising from a blow to the eye itself.


For the orbital bone.


For violent pain, when the nerve is affected.

Hypericum Perforatum flower

Fall on coccyx, spine injury, crushed fingers (in a door). With pain along the nerve, extending to the limbs.


Follows arnica right away for the pain extending to the limb, from the affected nerves. This remedy will relieve the pain of crushed finger within minutes.

Hypericum Before and after a root canal, a tooth extraction. A few doses, before and after, as needed.


Repeated doses every 5 minutes to prevent swelling, treat tissues and prevent falling of nail.

Bellis Perrenis

If needed, after the other remedies.


The first remedy to think of for injuries.

Sooths the pain after any physical injury. It reduces pain, prevents swelling absorbs blood from broken vessels, prevents bruises and vascular complications.

First indicated remedy in any trauma, injury, physical shock, sprained ankle, major physical effort. It and absorbs blood from the broken blood vessels.

Also apply Traumeel for minor pain and bruises.


Heals the tendons and muscles.


First remedy. Repeat 30 CH or 200K at least 3 times a day for first two days, as needed. Stupor. Give 10 Thousand K if necessary. Absorbs blood, avoids swelling and complications.

Natrum sulphuricum

Mental confusion, vertigo and headaches after head injury. Changes in mood.


Neck and spine sensitivity. Lancinating pain in head. Can be extending to shoulders and back. (Nerves injured)


Convulsions and epilepsy after head trauma.

Helleborus Niger

Loss of memory, loss of ideas, can not concentrate.


Weakness, dizziness.


First remedy in trauma, fall, violent exercise.


Violent pain, stabbing. Dislocation.
Better: from pressure
Worse from: the slightest movement


Acute pain, extending to the limbs (from affected nerves). Fall on coccyx, sitting down.


Cramping pain, spams. Over-use of hands, muscles, on a short periond of time, excessive writing.


When pain come back.

Consult your homeopath.


First remedy.


For the nerves in neck area. 15 minutes after Arnica. Every 1/2 hour, 3 times.


If pain persists and prevents the slightest move of head and neck. Strong neck pain as if swollen.

Worse from: the slightest movement.


Stiffness in movement. Wants massage, to crack the neck area.
Worse: in damp weather.


Burning Sensation in neck. Other symptoms similar to Bryonia (worse by the slightest movement), Rhus-tox (stiffness) and Hypericum (lancinating pain).


Persisting pain after the remedies.


Weakening of the bones since the neck trauma.

Arnica 200k

3 times, every 1/2 hour, followed by


Twice a day, for 2 then by


Once a day, for 3 days. From trauma in stomach, chest and soft tissue.


First remedy to reduce the swelling and bruising. Xray may be necessary. Arnica is so powerful, it may remove the pain, even in broken bones.


Is needed when the least movement increases the pain.


15 CH to accelerate the healing of the bones. Take ONLY when the fractured bones are in correct position in a cast. 3 granules a day, 15 CH, 5 days a week, for 3 weeks. If 15 Ch unavailable, take 200 once a week.

Calcarea Phosphorica

For slow and difficult healing . Fragile bones, elderly with osteoporosis.

Sticta Pulmonaria

Pain in broken bone (prevents sleep).

Ruta Graveolens

In broken ribs, elbow, chin, knee, leg, to relieve specific bone pain. Well followed by Arnica who first treats edema.


First remedy, take repeated doses as needed, following instructions for the repetition of the dose, above. Well followed by:

Bellis Perenis

If cyst since injury. Take remedy once a week for 4 weeks.


If tumor since injury.

©2025 Ingrid Schutt Homéopathe uniciste


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